Members of the network
Association for Research and Social Innovation (ADT)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Association for Research and Social Innovation ADT is a non-governmental organization established in 2014 with the purpose to advocate for affirmation of the values of an open and knowledge based society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It works on strengthening research and scientific capacities of institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of its key objectives is to pursue the construction of local communities through modern and sustainable, technology based models of development and through cooperation between different sectors of society, especially between the scientific and the private sector, as well as public institutions and non-profit organizations in order to foster social accountability the use of new information and communication technologies and various innovations in order to efficiently solve social problems.
Albanian Union of Architects and Urban Planners (AUA)
Albanian Union of Architects and Urban Planners-AUA aims at providing an open platform for professionals to further discussion, debate and develop synergies. They focus their activity on supporting excellence in architecture and planning as prevailing tools for future development and growth by encouraging the creation of a serious and efficient network of architects, planners and relevant institutions in Albania. It is only through these simulative approaches adopted by AUA, that concrete opportunities can be created and a better dissemination of knowledge and practices can be achieved.
Center for Economic Analyses (CEA)
North Macedonia
The Center for Economic Analyses (CEA) has been established in 2003 as an independent economic think tank. The Mission of CEA is to continuously research economic development and public policy in the Republic of Macedonia and to offer recommendations, suggestions and measures to the government and non-governmental institutions. CEA members share a common vision of the Republic of Macedonia as a new emerging economy integrated with regional and world markets. They devote their time, efforts and knowledge to help make this vision become a reality.
Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI)
Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI) is a Budapest-based association established in 2009 with the aim of facilitating cross-border cooperation and mutual trust building across the borders around Hungary and in Central and Southeast Europe. The activities of the association cover different fields related to cross-border cooperation, including research projects and scientific publications in Border Studies; cross-border spatial planning; cross-border programming and evaluation of programmes; institutional and project development; participation in national and EU level policy making and realisation of dissemination activities related to the issue. For more information, please visit:
Coalition for Sustainable Development
Coalition for Sustainable Development – CSD, founded in 2007, is a Macedonian, cross-sector, multi-ethnic NGO, with a mission to promote sustainable development at local, national and regional levels. As defined, sustainability provides for current needs without sacrificing the needs of future generations. Our economy, society, and ecology are interdependent. Optimising all three is often described as the “triple bottom line”. Yet, for better stability of this “triangle”, a fourth pillar is needed. That fourth pillar is culture. “Squaring the triangle”, so to speak. CSD strategic approach is based on combining creative with professional potentials in order to uphold meaningful improvement.
Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development is a non-profit organization that has contributed to sustainable development by enabling good urban and regional governance, tackling key environmental issues, developing civil society, impacting policies, and promoting community participation knowledge-making since 1995. At the core of Co-PLAN’s activity is the work with people and institutions, to foster tangible social transformation and positive change on the ground by inducing change-driving knowledge in our society for smart management of our habitat. Co-PLAN fulfills this mission through means of pilot activities and advisory services financed by national and international institutions and direct involvement with communities, local government units and other non-governmental organizations in the field of urban and regional management, environmental management, and municipal finance. We are based in Tirana, Albania, and have developed a solid-project-outreach-network at a national, regional, and international level, including many of the Local Government Units in Albania, numerous organizations in the Western Balkans region, Europe, and beyond.
DIST – Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Spatial strategies and visions for an ever-enlarging European Union
DIST: The Interuniversity Department of REGIONAL AND URBAN STUDIES AND PLANNING (DIST) is the point of reference in Politecnico and Università di Torino for the areas of knowledge that study the processes of territorial transformation and government, both on a local and on a global scale. These processes are analysed from a sustainability perspective in their physical, economic, social, political and cultural aspects, as well as in their interrelationships. DIST promotes, coordinates and manages basic and applied research, training, technology transfer and services for the local community with regard to urban and regional sciences and policies, as well as to spatial, urban and environmental-landscape planning.
Department of Spatial Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade
The Department of Spatial Planning organises and delivers lessons in undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies in the spirit of modern theory and practice of spatial planning in Europe and the world. Currently, there are 300 students in all degrees and 18 doctoral theses in process, following the new programme since 2007, also in line with Bologna Declaration. The foundations of the studies are geographic sciences with the application of the most current methods and techniques in spatial planning. The programme is based on the integral approach to planning and it is considerably enriched with subjects from areas of social and economic sciences, especially in masters and doctoral studies. It provides insights into the contemporary legislative, politicology and methodological grounds of spatial planning in the European Union. Thus, the students easily fit in study programmes or practical work in schools and institutions for spatial planning, as well as the local, regional or state administration of the countries in the EU, USA or elsewhere.
The Department of Spatial Planning is a full member of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) and, a network of scientific institutions engaged in spatial planning in Europe. The professors and assistants of the Department have also been engaged in working in various scientific research projects funded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The focus of scientific work in this programme is traditionally related to the theoretical, methodological and doctrinal issues of spatial planning, as well as to the options and kinds of application of results of fundamental and applicative scientific research in practice of spatial and urban planning in Serbia. A range of studies has recently extended and deepened becoming more Europe-oriented.
EURAK Belgrade
European Research Academy Belgrade (EURAK Belgrade) is an independent research center founded by a group of young, highly profiled experts with the aim of conducting cross-cutting academic research of importance for the future development of Serbia and the Western Balkans. It was founded in response to an identified need for rigorous multidisciplinary research to inform policy and programming in Serbia. EURAK utilizes gold standard research methodology and evidence-based principles. We pride ourselves on the multidisciplinary backgrounds of our members, with expertise ranging across law, political science, public policy, economics and research methods.
EXPEDITIO Center for Sustainable Spatial Development
EXPEDITIO Center for Sustainable Spatial Development is a non-governmental organization based in Kotor (Montenegro) whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997. EXPEDITIO has implemented more than 100 projects and activities, through cross-disciplinary engagement and participative practices, addressing various issues of sustainable spatial development, such as: urban and rural planning and management, cultural heritage and landscape, sustainable cities, public spaces, green architecture etc.
Institute of Public Finance
The Institute of Public Finance is a public research institute, which performs applied and theoretical research in the field of public sector economics. The Institute researches public sector and its components – tax, pension, health and educational systems, social security system, public administration and state owned enterprises. The research in this field has been carried out ever since the Institute was founded in 1970 by the University of Zagreb. The Institute’s primary goal is to research efficiency, sustainability and accountability of public sector. This includes the analysis of economic trends and the effects of economic policy in public sector. Among the most important topics researched by the Institute are for example open state budgets, participation of citizens in the budget process, unofficial economy, effects of institutions on economic growth, foreign direct investments, redistributive effects of taxes and social benefits.
InTER – Institute for Territorial Economic Development
InTER – Institute for Territorial Economic Development: was established in 2006 as an independent non-governmental think tank, with the mission of promoting and advancing sustainable socio-economic territorial development in the Western Balkans. InTER has a two-fold registration, one in Serbia and one in Kosovo. The main areas of InTER’s focus are: regional and local socio-economic development; territorial competitiveness through business infrastructure development; decentralisation and good governance; cross-border and transnational cooperation; rural development; tourism and aid-effectiveness, including evaluations and impact analysis of donor-funded programs. InTER has carried out more than 60 projects, mainly policy and sector studies, analysis and assessments on different issues across the Western Balkans.10
International Scientific Forum “Danube – River of Cooperation”
International Scientific Forum “Danube – River of Cooperation”: is an interdisciplinary association of experts and researchers devoted to international cooperation carried out through project cooperation with partners from neighbouring and other European countries in the field of sustainable development and environmental friendly use of natural and cultural-historical resources. The members are professionally engaged in the disciplines, which are also important for the projects initiated by our partners. It is internationally recognized that the three decades of long work directed towards the improvement of all forms of regional cooperation was reasonable and successful, despite of unfavourable conditions for international cooperation during the 1990s.
IPoP – Institute for Spatial Policies
IPoP – Institute for Spatial Policies – is a non-governmental, consulting and research organisation in the field of sustainable spatial and urban development. IPoP is registered as NGO acting in the public interest in the field of environment. The Institute was founded on 1 March 2006. Since 15 February 2008 the Institute is registered also as a research organization by the Slovenian Research Agency. IPoP focuses on participatory processes, urban regeneration, sustainable mobility, and new spatial practices:
- connects NGOs and local initiatives and offer them professional support and information,
- conducts research, carry out studies, advise on project development, and help form partnerships,
- leads participatory processes,
- trains for participation in spatial planning,
- engages in policy making and strive for better legislation with an impact on spatial development,
- disseminates information about sustainable spatial and urban development and react to topical issues.
Khora Lab – Institute for Territorial Development and Social Innovation
KHORA LAB ets is an Italian non-profit association established in 2018. Our mission is promoting sustainable use of social, environmental, economic and technical resources aiming at generating significant and positive impacts for the community as a whole. We promote, from a holistic perspective, the involvement and dialogue of the various social, institutional, administrative, technical and economic actors called to intervene in the transformation processes of the territory in its various dimensions. We offer technical support, develop scientific researches and training activities in the following sectors:
- Participatory procedures (citizens’ empowerment, monitoring and assessment)
- Spatial planning and territorial development;
- Architecture design, regeneration projects with social innovation imprinting.
MRI – Metropolitan Research Institute
MRI: Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI), established in 1989, is an internationally recognized independent research, planning and consultancy company based in Budapest, Hungary. We are a multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals (economists, sociologists, planners) working on different aspects of urban development. In the core of the interest of MRI research is the development and performance of European cities. The Institute participated for a long time in the planning of Budapest (concept for urban renewal and Strategic Development Concept of the city). Since the 1990s growing number of international projects followed through involvement in UN Habitat, UN ECE, Council of Europe, World Bank, USAID programmes addressing the problems of the transition process of the Central and Eastern European post-socialist countries towards democratic, market-based urban development systems. Since the 2000s MRI intensified its contacts to EU programmes (FP programmes, URBACT, ESPON, INTERREG) and European city networks (EUROCITIES). These activities covered the whole of Europe giving the opportunity to put the original east-central European knowledge and experiences into a whole-European perspective. The different divisions of MRI deal with core issues of sustainable and inclusive development of European cities, such as inner city regeneration, the problems of large housing estates, urban sprawl, rental sector deficiencies, municipal budgeting, urban mobility issues, the problems of ethnic minorities. The analysis of these problems is connected to the surveying of administrative and institutional structures, exploring the performance of different types of governance patterns.
National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED)
NALED: Since its establishment in 2006, NALED grew to become an independent, non-profit and non-partisan association of almost 300 companies, local self-governments and civil society organizations that work together to improve living and working conditions in Serbia. Core activities include: improving regulatory framework and conditions for doing business through public-private dialogue (e.g. fighting shadow economy, introducing e-permitting); public sector capacity building in economic development area; introducing standards of efficient local administration in Serbia but also in South-East Europe region through Business Friendly Certification Network. NALED contributes to EU accession process and initiates, advocates for but also implements regulatory and policy reforms.
POLIS University
POLIS University: POLIS University, The International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies (hereinafter POLIS), is a young, yet ambitious and engaged higher education institution, quality research-led university, supporting a focused range of core disciplines in the fields of architecture, urban planning, design and environmental management. Established in 2006, POLIS offers a focused range of disciplines on a bachelor, master and PhD level, supported by a growing body of applied and scientific research. Through applied and scientific research POLIS develops and promotes scientific excellence and innovation, instrumental to the development processes in the country. Whilst through academic teaching it enhances creative and comprehensive competence.
POLIS offers a focused range of study programs including Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs, such as: undergraduate studies in Environmental management, Urban Planning, Architecture and Art-Design, followed by the post-graduate scientific and professional masters in Environmental Management, Structural Engineering and Energy Efficiency, Urban Social Development and Human Resources, Public Administration, Real Estate Development and Heritage Restoration and Conservation; a joint Masters in Business Administration (MBA), and doctoral programs, in Architecture, and Urban Planning. About 50% of the study programs, especially on a Master and PhD level, are offered in cooperation with a foreign partner, such as: IHS – Institute for Housing and Urban Development Policies, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; Lawrence Tech Detroit, USA; University of Ferrara, Italy, etc., including the MBA program, which has been drafted and is currently being implemented as a joint degree between IPAG Business School, Paris, France and POLIS.
Spatial Foresight
Spatial Foresight: Spatial Foresight GmbH is a Luxembourg-based company, which provides territorial policy support and research. The fields of activity comprise:
- Analysis and evaluation
- Process facilitation
- Strategy development
- Training and dissemination
- Territorial foresight processes
- European and comparative studies
The principle idea is to bring together territorial development and policy processes with foresight oriented approaches. Foresight encompasses a range of approaches that combine strategic analysis, prospective forward thinking and process oriented dialogical work. Using these approaches for the processes shaping our territories will facilitate a better understanding of how to best capitalise on territorial development potentials.
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava | SPECTRA Center of Excellence EU at the STU
SPECTRA: The Centre with its activities contributes to economic, social and cultural integration in Europe. By permanent research and proposals of the solutions for optimization of spatial structures of settlements it helps to meet the objectives of sustainable spatial development, management and planning as well as to balancing regional disparities, improving quality of life and strengthening of social equity in Europe.
STU: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as “STU”) is a modern educational and scientific institution. Since its foundation in the year 1937 more than 159.000 students have graduated. In average, 12.000 students study at the STU every year. STU is a public university and offers education mainly in technical, technological, technical-economical, technical-information and technical-artistic fields of study using the modern methods of education, laboratories and practical training. It is aimed at the study branches with stable opportunities of students’ employment at the labour market.
Sofia University
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” is the biggest and oldest higher education institution in Bulgaria. It has been consistently ranked as the top university in Bulgaria according to national and international ratings. The university has 16 faculties and three departments, where over 21,000 students receive their education. The Faculty of Geology and Geography is the main place in the Bulgarian higher education system where spatial planning and regional development are studied from the geographic point of view. In this respect the department “Regional and Political Geography” has an important role.
Dr. Ana Peric Momcilovic, Serbia
ETH Zurich – Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development, Zurich
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Serbia
Dr. Siniša Trkulja, Serbia
Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Sector of Spatial and Urban Planning, Belgrade
Velislava Simeonova, Bulgaria
The International University Center of Barcelona
Ivaylo Stamenkov, Bulgaria
Sofia University St.Kliment Ohridski
Hristo Dokov, Bulgaria
Sofia University St.Kliment Ohridski
Konstantinos Lalenis, Greece
University of Thessaly
Pantelis Skayannis, Greece
University of Thessaly
Christos Nikas, Greece
University of Macedonia
Eliza Hoxha, Kosovo
University of Pristina, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Architecture
Nataša Pelja-Tabori, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institute for Canton Planning, Ph.D. at TU Wien Urban and Regional Planning Department
Klodeta Krasniqi, Kosovo
Architect; Urban Planner in UN Habitat Kosovo
Marjan Marjanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bartlett School of Planning (UCL) / Faculty of Sciences (University of Banja Luka)